
Friday, June 24, 2016

Tackling radicalization

Being deeply saddened by the terrible and tragic mass shooting in Orlando, Florida recently, I feel compelled to discuss a very sensitive subject. I also understand that I will be categorized as liberal or secular, but I don’t care as long as this article provokes readers to open their minds and engage in thoughtful discussion.
The terrible man who committed these depraved acts is being labeled a terrorist. Unfortunately, he was also a Muslim, which naturally caused the media to link Islam with terrorism. The phrase “radical Islamic terrorism” has been casually and incorrectly used in the media to paint all Muslims as terrorists.
How can we address this misguided interpretation of Islam as a religion that seemingly tolerates terrorists and acts of terror? Further, what does this mean for Saudi Arabia? Certainly, it is indisputable that terrorism is a real concern to Saudi Arabia as well as any other country.
Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam, where Islamic law is followed. However, as in many other places, it is very normal to find a handful of people with extremist tendencies who ignore the tolerant and flexible nature of Islam and impose a kind of strict interpretation that betrays our religion and the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) teachings. These fringe elements don’t represent the majority. This fundamental issue has been so problematic and complex that it dominated and controlled thinking and intellectual discourse of some who adopted deviant thoughts.
Islam is a faith that does not require mediation from any third person to establish a direct link or relationship with the Creator. Yet, regrettably, some of our clerics talk in the name of God and his Messenger and advance their mistaken view. They claim that those opposing them actually oppose God and his Messenger. There are radical elements in every religious group. Unfortunately, due to a variety of reasons these fringe elements have somehow gained the spotlight. In fact, such radical elements have succeeded in hijacking our religion and many youths have become their victims.
Those of us who grew up in the 1960s still remember when we could go to movies and attend festivals and other forms of entertainment in Jeddah without being harassed.
Never before has our society experienced such an arbitrarily enforced conservatism. Does this mean that Islam has changed or simply that some of our religious leaders have failed to keep up with modern societal trends?
Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Arab world must devise effective solutions that can address and eradicate this scourge. These solutions must be decisive and not transitory if Saudi citizens are to live in a safe and secure nation where they can pursue their careers and raise their families. Saudi religious schools must enter the modern age to contribute to Saudi Arabia’s economic and political development.
Many reforms depend on an informed and tolerant citizenry. Justifying intolerance and ignorance breed terrorism.
The key is education. Education is the most effective means of reducing unemployment and improving an individual’s overall quality of life. Unemployment has become an appalling nightmare that needs to be addressed immediately. Additionally, granting women a more significant role to play is essential. We should neither fear nor coddle them nor, indeed, treat them as if they were creatures from a different planet. It is high time our women joined men in improving the framework of our laws. Since the dawn of Islam, women have always played significant roles in society. We have to free them from being a hostage to habits and customs that have caused the rest of the world to think of us as if we are living in the Stone Age.
There is a prevailing belief that the present situation is what the majority of Islamic society wants. I am here to unequivocally tell you that Muslims and Islam do not condone violent terrorist acts such as the shooting in Orlando.
Refusing to acknowledge the problem helps the terrorists continue their depraved actions. There is a big difference between a country that faces and suffers from terrorism and a country that supports terrorism. Saudi Arabia is clearly a victim of terrorism and not a nation that supports it. Terrorism has become a global phenomenon affecting all communities — Islamic, Christian and Jewish. Terrorism now extends from Jakarta to Dakar and from Oslo to Cape Town in South Africa. Every religion has extremists within it who foster terrorist activities whether they are Jews, Christians or Muslims, but it is terrible times like these when we must seize the initiative and move the conversation forward. We must continue to discuss reform, democracy and promote openness in Islam until we are no longer left having to defend it against those who would choose to do unspeakable acts of terror in its name.

— Khalid Alnowaiser is a Saudi writer and attorney.
  Arab News

Sunday, June 5, 2016

A Suhoor Meal for the Ages

A Suhoor Meal for the Ages

Ramadan, Muslim’s holy month, officially begins June 6th after Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court confirmed seeing the crescent moon. For Muslims around the world, this marks a month of fasting, an increase in prayer and charity.  It is a time when Muslims try to elevate their self-discipline.
    Ramadan is among the most special times for practicing Muslims.  As we prepare for Ramadan, we see stores selling dates (traditionally an important part of Islamic tradition during Ramadan) and other specialty foods traditional eaten during this month. It is a joyous time that we Muslims look forward to all year long.
    It was with this jovial mindset that I set out to host a Suhoor gathering on the third day of Ramadan. I was keen to gather not only family, friends but our firm's VIP businessmen and women for this special “pre-dawn” meal and it will be a night none will soon forget. This unprecedented assembly of the community's most successful individuals will make for a most memorable Suhoor experience.
 I am excited to say that after receiving RSVPs from invitations sent out several weeks ago, Alnowaiser Law Firm will welcome VIPs from around the globe, the most prominent businessmen and women in the area, government officials as well as several diplomats to the prestigious and glamorous Leylaty Ballroom. One of the most luxurious spaces in all of Jeddah. The menu will be a combination of local and international dishes, tailor made by renowned French and international chefs. We set out to create an impeccable and elegant environment for my guests, which will distinguish this gathering in their minds for years to come. Ramadan being such a special time for social gatherings with friends, family and business associates, I wanted this Suhoor experience to be one for the ages.
    During Ramadan, the predominant practice is fasting from dawn until sunset. 1.8 billion Muslims around the world will partake in this practice as a time for inner reflection and contemplation. It is a time to increase our devotion to God. We fast and sacrifice food during the daylight hours to remind us of those who are less fortunate and so that we might be encouraged to be charitable. The pre-dawn meal before the fast is called the Suhoor
    I can’t wait to share the photos and video from this extraordinary event with you and I want to wish you all a most holy Ramadan.
Dr. Khalid Alnowaiser

Monday, May 9, 2016

An open letter to President Obama

Published — Monday 2 May 2016

Dear President Barack Obama, I am pleased that you decided to visit my country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, recently. I hold no official post and am simply a Saudi attorney in private practice in Jeddah who has the greatest respect for America, as I was fortunate to be educated in your country.
Contrary to western perceptions, we here in Saudi Arabia do have freedom of speech, and that’s why I’m free to write you this letter.
In 2009 you delivered a famous speech at Cairo University where you expressed your hopes on many issues that are inspiring to all Arabs. Since then, however, many of us have seen stark contradictions in what you said and what positions your government has taken. 
Your decision to engage with Iran threatens not only our security, but America’s as well: 
l It is dangerous, bad policy to ignore 90 percent of the 1.5 billion Muslims — led by Saudi Arabia — whose interests are irreconcilable with Iran’s domestic and foreign policies. 
l We agree with you that diplomacy is better than waging wars, but this does not mean that the United States — the world’s superpower — should be transformed into a wounded lion while Iran threatens its neighbors and continues its expansive and aggressive policy to destabilize the entire Middle East. Your diplomatic efforts threaten to expand, rather than eradicate, terrorism. 
Those who support western notions of a civil society, order and social tolerance are put at high risk by a worldview, which promotes disorder and revolution and is driven by the goal of world domination. 
Mr. President, do not assume that cooperation is possible with an Iran bent on destroying its adversaries. 
You recently said in The Atlantic Monthly that regional “competition” between Saudi Arabia and Iran has fueled the conflicts in Yemen, Iraq, and Syria, and you expressed the belief that the Saudis should “share” the region with their fierce regional enemy! Would you have us share the Middle East with President Assad, a murderer of women and children, who is fully supported by Iran even as you recognize that there is no place for him on the world map?
You are relying on your intelligence capabilities, but the terrorists remain many steps ahead of the United States, especially in social media outreach to our disaffected youth. For the sake of America and your true friends in the Middle East, please don’t defer any decisive action against Iran just to pass your remaining months in office with the illusion that you have contained Iran’s ambitions. 
Even if you have defused Iran’s nuclear weapons temporarily, Iran has the financial resources to threaten not only Saudi Arabia, but also Israel, Europe and ultimately the United States. All we have to do is look at Syria to see how Iranian involvement has destroyed that sad country and destabilized other countries around it.
One must ask: 
l How can you allow the continuation of monstrous crimes against humanity occurring in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and elsewhere?
l Does America really want to be seen as doing nothing to stop aggressive Iranian expansion fueled by unlimited Russian support? 
l Don’t you realize that Saudi Arabia is the safety valve of the Middle East? It has always maintained stability and security in the region. Saudi Arabia will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the United States, but you must lead the fight against Iran, not appease them. They are bent on dominating the Middle East, not stabilizing it; they are committed to destroying those who have different religious, cultural and political beliefs. They are the world’s greatest sponsors of terror.
Mr. President, I am an Arab Saudi citizen without any connection to the Saudi government who simply wants America to continue exercising its great influence internationally. With great power comes great responsibility. Our long-standing relationship with you is not only deep between our governments, but also among our citizens. Now, more than ever, America must remember who are its friends and who are its enemies. 

Khalid Alnowaiser is a Saudi writer and attorney.
Source:Arab News

Thursday, May 5, 2016

يا سمو الأمير .. هذه مقترحاتي لرؤية 2030

 الخميس 28 رجب عـام  1437 الموافق لـ5 ماي 2016

خلقت رؤية 2030 التي طرحها ولي ولي العهد صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير محمد بن سلمان، بداخلنا بصيصاً كبيراً من الأمل والتفاؤل نحو مملكة جديدة تقوم بدورها الريادي في المنطقة، تفرض حضورها بمشاريعها العملاقة، واقتصادها المتنوع الذي لا يعتمد فقط على النفط وأسعاره أو أي سلعة مهما كان حجمها أو أهميتها، بل وبيئتها الصحية الجاذبة للسياحة والاستثمار.
وحتى تكتمل الصورة المبهرة التي رسمها برنامج التحول الوطني.. اسمحوا لي يا سمو الأمير أن أطرح خمس نقاط ربما تحمل إضافة لهذا العمل الطموح الذي ستلتف حوله كل العقول والأفئدة خلال السنوات القادمة.

هيئة تشريعية جديدة: حتى نكون واقعيين فإنه من الواضح أن مجلس الشورى والجهات الحكومية الأخرى ليست قادرة على مواكبة وتيرة الحياة المتسارعة التي تتطلب إصدار التشريعات والأنظمة باستمرار لتتماشى مع الحركة الاقتصادية التي تسابق الزمن في سرعتها وحركتها.. فمن يطلع على النظام الأساسي للحكم (المادة 67) وكذلك نظام مجلس الوزراء (المادة 20) ونظام مجلس الشورى (المادة 15) يلاحظ أن هناك تشابكا واضحا في اختصاص السلطات.

وما دامت التشريعات أحد أركان النهضة الحضارية والتنموية، بات من الضروري وجود سلطة تشريعية منفصلة قادرة على مجابهة كل التحديات، تستوعب طموحاتنا وتساهم في تحويل أحلامنا إلى واقع، لا نقلل من عمل مجلس الشورى الذي يضطلع بمهمات جسام واستحقاقات عديدة وكذا الجهات الأخرى، لكن وجود هيئة تشريعية متفرغة ومنفصلة عن السلطات الأخرى بات أمراً ملحاً.

تعزيز مكانة المرأة: يعد حصر دور المرأة السعودية في أعمال بعينها تعطيلاً لنصف طاقة المجتمع وحرمانه من فرص عديدة في التنمية، وهو ما أكده سموكم أكثر من مرة، ولا يمكن أن ننشد أي تطور حقيقي على أرض الواقع في ظل القبضة التي يمارسها بعض المتزمتين على المرأة السعودية التي وصلت إلى مراكز علمية وفكرية غير مسبوقة، ومن المهم مجابهة القيود التي فرضها بعضهم على المرأة، ولا علاقة لها من قريب أو بعيد بالدين الإسلامي الحنيف الذي كرم المرأة ووضعها في مكانة كبيرة، لكنهم استندوا على عادات وتقاليد تحتاج إلى إعادة نظر، فهؤلاء من عارض تعليم المرأة ورفضوا عملها.. وعادوا بنفس أسطوانتهم في زمن لم يعد يحتمل تزمتهم، فهل يجوز ونحن في عام 2016 أننا ما زلنا نناقش ـ على سبيل المثال - قضية قيادة المرأة للسيارة التي صرفتنا عن أمهات القضايا؟

فالمرأة ـ يا سمو الأمير ـ بحاجة إلى دعمكم وقراراتكم الشجاعة، ولا ينبغي أن تترك تحت تأثير وجهات نظر مجتمعية، فكم هي القرارات الكبيرة والمهمة التي وجدت اعتراضاً من بعض شرائح المجتمع ثم عادوا هم أنفسهم وقبلوها؟

المشاركة في صناعة القرار: يصعب على أي حكومة على وجه الأرض أن تحمل بمفردها أعباء التحديات الداخلية والخارجية دون مشاركة شعبها.. فما بالك بدولة مثل السعودية تمتد على مساحة قارة كاملة، وتملك شعباً محباً لقيادته.. ومتفاعلاً مع كل قراراته.

لقد قلت يا سمو الأمير في حوارك التاريخي بقناة العربية: «من لا يرضى بالسياسة الجديدة سيصطدم بالشارع»، وهي كلمات تعطي مؤشراً واضحاً بأن الرؤية السعودية ترتكز على توسيع المشاركة الشعبية، ولا شك أن تعزيز الشراكة بين الحكومة والشعب كفيل بمواجهة كل التحديات المستقبلية، وسيضطلع المواطن بدور فعال وإيجابي في نجاح خطط التحول الوطني، مع ضرورة تفعيل مؤسسات المجتمع المدني حتى تكون أحد أركان نهضة المجتمع وتقدمه.

مركزية المناطق: جاءت رؤية 2030 لتنهض بجميع مناطق السعودية.. وإذا كان الأمر كذلك ـ وهو كذلك بإذن الله ـ فإنه يفترض أن تكون هناك صلاحيات مالية وإدارية تبعد إدارات المناطق عن المركزية القائمة التي أعاقت حركة التطوير والتطور سنوات طويلة، حتى تستطيع أن ترى الرؤية النور، ولتكتمل الصورة لا بد من تفعيل دور المجالس البلدية وتوسيع صلاحياتها لتصبح مسؤولة بشكل أكبر في تقويم وتوجيه المشاريع التنموية وتقديم قيمة مضافة، ولا ينحصر دورها في التصديق والتوقيع على محاضر الأمانات!

ما زالت بعض الأنظمة الإدارية العتيقة ـ يا سمو الأمير - حجر عثرة في طريق التنمية، والكثير من المناطق تضطر أن تعود إلى الوزارات المعنية مع كل قرار تتخذه، وبات أمر توسيع الصلاحيات الممنوحة لكل منطقة مالياً وإدارياً لمواكبة مرحلة التغيرات من نافلة القول، مع الابتعاد بشكل كبير عن المركزية الموجودة.. فالوزارات في الدول المتقدمة تتولى المهمات الإستراتيجية الوطنية.. وتضطلع بوضع وتنفيذ السياسات العامة والخطط التنموية.. أما التنمية المحلية فتتولاها الإدارات المحلية.

مكافحة الفساد والبيروقراطية: لا يخفى على سموكم أن الفساد أشبه بالسرطان الذي ينخر في جسد الإنسان حتى يدمره، وقد كنتم ـ رعاكم الله ـ متيقظاً لهذا الأمر في حديثكم التاريخي لقناة العربية، وأشرتم إلى الهدر الذي حدث في سنوات سابقة، ولا شك أن الفساد والبيروقراطية سيكونان أكبر عدوين لبرنامج التحول، لذا نحتاج جهازا رقابيا يقظا، محترفا، متفرغا، مهمته الأساسية كشف كافة أنواع الفساد وإزاحة المتسببين في البيروقراطية.. فهيئة مكافحة الفساد لن تستطيع بمفردها أن تفعل المستحيل.. لأنها تركز في معالجتها على القاع فقط.. ولا بد أن تكون محاربة الفساد على جميع الأصعدة.

وقبل الختام.. لا يفوتني التأكيد على أهمية السماح للأجانب بتملك العقار دون وجود أي عوائق، خصوصا أن النظام قد صدر منذ مدة وكل ما يحتاجه التفعيل فقط، وهذا سيساعد على الانتعاش الاقتصادي، لاسيما أن سموكم بادر بطرح مبادرة «الغرين كارت» التي ستحد أيضاً من هجرة الأموال إلى الخارج.. وسيكون تملك العقار مع الغرين كارت خطين متوازنين يكمل بعضهما بعضا.

أخيراً.. نأمل أن يتحول موعد صدور الرؤية (25 أبريل) إلى مناسبة وطنية ترسم التفاؤل والأمل على وجوهنا.. وتتواكب سنوياً مع مكاشفة مباشرة لسموكم تحدد فيها ما تم إنجازه من الرؤية.. وتضع النقاط على الحروف حتى تستمر حالة التفاعل والتفاؤل.

حمى الله المملكة بقيادة ملك الحزم والعزم الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز، وولي عهده الأمين صمام الأمن والأمان، وسمو ولي ولي 

عهده صاحب الرؤى والمبادرات المهمة والكبيرة، فليحفظهم الله جميعاً للوطن.. ويسدد خطاهم

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Saudi Soldier Day

Published — Friday 5 February 2016

Words of praise are no longer sufficient to express our love and appreciation to those heroes who work around the clock to preserve our national security. They offer their souls and blood for the sake of our nation and adore it with every breath they take.

It is long past time to honor these heroes. I propose an initiative that is simple in detail but grand in meaning: an annual national holiday designated as “The Saudi Soldier Day” to celebrate our heroes. Let us dedicate 24 hours out of the 8,760 hours in an entire year to celebrate those brave men of the Ministry of Defense and The National Guard who are stationed along the borders and are the nation's strong eyes and arms, or the men of the Ministry of Interior who relentlessly protect our safety, or the various military institutions that offer innumerable sacrifices and acts of bravery to keep our great nation safe and strong.

The Saudi soldier has demonstrated loyalty, fidelity, and love to the Kingdom. He is only satisfied when he is in danger showing a brave heart and an adventurous body. He has said goodbye to all that is dearest to him and has achieved one of two glories: martyrdom or victory. His heroic actions are far too many to be recounted in books or works of art. He has consistently raised high the banner of unification and glory while defeating dark terrorism and forcing out those who tamper with our country's goals, both internally and abroad.

There is no question that these heroes have unlimited support from our leaders, headed by The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, His Highness Crown Prince Mohammad bin Naif, and His Highness Deputy Crown Prince Mohamad bin Salman. Our soldiers are well taken care of and receive recognition, yet having a day celebrating them will demonstrate Saudis’ support of all they do. It will show a simple message of true faithfulness and immense gratitude.

Certainly, our leaders give great support to all of our military personnel. As citizens, we too are incredibly proud of our soldiers who possess the expertise and psychological readiness to defend us. It is now time that we set aside one day each year to show our steadfast support and gratitude for them.  It also will send a clear message to our young people that a soldier’s service to the Kingdom is valued.

The celebration honoring our soldiers and security men on all fronts will be no ordinary day, and the hours and minutes will not pass by as they do on any usual day. All of its moments will communicate a message of love from faithful citizens who have been blessed with safety and security thanks to God and their bravery and dedication. This day will be devoted to teaching about the heroism of the martyrs and identifying the risks that the nation faces. It will encourage our youth to be courageous and fearless and to make these heroes their idols. The day will include mass celebrations in one of the major sports fields with a national operetta that will recount tales of glory and bravery.

However, this idea will remain incomplete unless we establish a fund called "The Nation Protectors' Fidelity Fund" that will provide sufficient funding to the families of martyrs, the sick and their families, the disabled, and those who are in difficult circumstances.

Some may object to the idea of the Fund and say that our country is capable of supporting our soldiers and that this Fund may send a contradictory or duplicative message.

To those I say: Our country supports our sons abundantly, but through this Fund, we will be playing a complementary role that reflects national unity and the pride that the civil society has in its heroes.

It is important that this Fund be adopted by a major civil and economic entity represented, for example, in the Council of Saudi Chambers in the form of an endowment until it takes on a sustainable form. It should have a bank account in all Saudi banks so citizens can contribute to it. A Board of Trustees should be formed including representatives from the Ministries of Defense, Interior and Social Affairs, other military institutions, religious scholars, academics, and renowned businessmen who are experienced in the field of charity. I also suggest that a workshop be organized to promote and implement “Saudi Soldier Day”.

The soldier, with his sacrifice and vigilance, has become a beacon of the country's stability and the safety of its people. He has captured a piece of our souls and therefore we extend to each of our heroes our immense gratitude and prayers.

 Source: Arab News